Targeted drug therapies might spur as Scientists discover cancer trigger
Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers have definitively linked the function of a specific domain of proteins important in plant-microbe biology to a cancer trigger in humans
Huge ozone hole seven times larger than hole over Antarctica discovered
Could affect 50 per cent of global population
More dogs means less crime
Study finds that the amount of crime in a neighbourhood is inversely proportional to the number of dogs in the neighbourhood.
Electric vehicles not suitable for police response
A police force using electric vehicles is struggling to respond to crime because the batteries keep going flat, a Police and Crime Commissioner said. PCC Chris Nelson said officers who drove electric vehicles had experienced problems finding recharging facilities in the county. He said the vehicles "run out of puff", and staff needed to change police cars. He said he fully supported climate controls and green areas, but his priority was to fight crime and so more operational choice over vehicles was needed.
Scientists develop world's first implant that relieves pain without drugs
Researchers at the Northwestern University have developed a device that sounds straight out of science fiction: a small, soft, flexible first-of-its-kind implant that relieves pain on demand, without the use of drugs and dissolves.
Maruti to phase out pure petrol cars by 2030
The transition of the entire portfolio to hybrid, flex-fuel, bio-fuel and pure electric vehicles will happen over the next seven to 10 years. Maruti had earlier discontinued production of diesel vehicles.