People get their MBA's graduating from Business schools after learning lots and lots of stuff about business, strategy, best practices and tools to aid business management. Even then, business schools seldom address simple stuff which they consider too simple to be addressed at their level. Yet these "too simple to be taught" things hold great importance for real world success. A few of those are addressed below. If you are a manager consider practicing the following religiously for greater reputation and success.
Jargon - Avoid them like the plague
Most people misuse it without actually understanding what they stand for and giving rise to unwanted mistakes and misunderstandings. Force yourself to spell out what you mean in simple plain language. It will help your thinking and communication.
Organizational Design - The Why before redefining the What
Figure out what is causing the problem, and then think about how to avoid the problem. A lot of problem solvers identify bad decisions, and then suggest reversing it, neglecting to address the issue of why that particular bad decision was made, and how to make sure the same mistakes wouldn’t be made in the future.
Don't define problems as your perceive - Learn more with different perspectives
Never ever jump to a solution without understanding the whole picture through different perspectives and deciding on a solution before considering atleast one another closely contested solution to the problem. Also consider the fact that the problem may not actually be what you initially perceive it to be unless you see it from another perspective.
Trade off - Analyze costs to benefits for all possible solutions
Every solution has costs as well as benefits. If you list only the benefits, it makes your analysis seem like an ex post rationalization of a foregone decision, rather than a careful weighing of the benefits and costs. If you spent some time thinking through the tradeoffs, show it. If not, then you should. It is not the solution but your rationale in deciding on one that matters in the long time or if something goes wrong
Language - Always keep it simple stupid
Write simple declarative sentences that clarify rather than obfuscate. Form is not a substitute for content. We are running businesses where communications need to be crystal clear and not writing poems for people to analyze and discuss for is being communicated.